Friday, January 4, 2013

They are home...

One of the things I have enjoyed most these past few months is to follow along on several families journeys to their kids.  Every single one that I have followed is now back home with their new children.  The joy that I feel in my heart every time I look at the photos of those kids now laughing, playing, the wonder in their eyes as they take in all the new experiences, their new brothers and sisters delighting in them, their smiles!!!  Oh, to see the body of Christ, joining with God on His mission to redeem people.  We get to know just a bit of how God goes about taking the unloved and loving them with wholehearted, selfless, unconditional love!!  He really does set the lonely in families!

We are now preparing to do this again.  To travel across the world, on three REALLY long plane rides, to get to another country, to meet a child we don't know - and promise before God and a judge that we will LOVE this child AS IF he were born to us.  Forever.  No matter what.  A stepping out in faith.  Trust in our Father.  We have done this once.  God has asked us to do this again.  So we go.  We trust and we obey.  Because we love God and He loves us.  And the result of trusting and obeying?  We get to be blessed with another amazing child - watching him grow, flourish, and delighting in who God has made him to be.  Just like we are doing with Nate, Lydia, Jacob, Julia and Noah.  We are SO very blessed!!

Today's Joy Dare:

A gift old, new and blue...

10.  reclaimed fabric turned something old into a new thing
11.  a new leather journal waiting with blank pages for new prayers
12.  those blue eyes that sparkle with joy

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