Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Paper Pregnancy

I have heard it said that while you are collecting all of the paperwork for your adoption that you are in a paper pregnancy.  While it's not exactly the same as my physical pregnancies, there is something to be said about the preparation for a baby while you are pregnant and the preparation for the child while you are collecting the endless amounts of paper that you need for an adoption.

We have just finished Julia's adoption, but the new dossier will need paperwork that is less than 6 months old.  That means getting all of our birth certificates, marriage certificate etc again.  And for some states, that means getting a notarized document in order to prove that you have the legal right to get the document.  Paperwork to prove that you can get the paperwork.  And then there is the cost of each paper.  And the notary.  And the apostille. 

We did all of this paperwork in 2010 and now we are beginning the journey again.  A bit like getting pregnant for the second time and suddenly remembering exactly what pregnancy is like.  Yikes!  We are really doing this again...

Meanwhile, the kids are really LOVING having Grandma/Great Grandma here...


  1. Congrats! Just want you to know that Hannes is well covered in prayer! My husband and I inquired about him and then earnestly prayed but the Lord for some reason said he wasn't to be ours. Now I know why...... just a few days later he was meant to be your child! He is beautiful and I look forward to following your adoption journey!

    1. Thank you for your kind words. We are very grateful for your prayers and know that many people care about him. We are eager to meet him and bring him home and give him the medical care that he needs. We look forward to sharing our journey with your family and the larger family of folks who are eager to see him in his very own home.
