Saturday, January 5, 2013

Joy in the Journey

Our Journey to Hannes...

in just 5 short weeks
we will board a plane
and fly
and fly
and fly
until we get to the capital city in his country...

and we will ask permission from his government to adopt him.

And he doesn't know.
He doesn't know we are coming
He doesn't know what a mommy and daddy are
He doesn't know how to play with his brothers and sisters
He doesn't know a life outside his small room...

And yet - that doesn't change what will happen for good in his life.
Because we love him.

It's like that with us, isn't it? 

Oftentimes we don't know the future.
We can't tell what will happen.
We don't know what is coming.
But that doesn't change what will happen for good in our lives.
God is there.
Working everything out according to His plan.
Which ultimately results in our good.
 Because He loves us.

Today's Joy Dare...

13.   Reading  -  
thankful for a book about how to Simplify by Joshua Becker
14.   Making -
Decisions, thankful for wise counsel on what to pack for our trip...
15.   Seeing - 
Thankful for seeing my children and my child's child feeding the ducks today...

God is so good...
So grateful for all who have supported and encouraged us 
in this adoption for Hannes...
our FSP (Family Sponsorship Program) Grant has grown in an amazing way!
We cherish the love that you have shown to us and more so to Hannes.  Helping us to bring him into a family so that he can thrive and grow and receive the medical care he so desperately needs.  What an amazing display of the love that you all have for him.  Thank you so much!!

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