Monday, October 27, 2014

Where in the world are the van Heerden's going?

Wow! What a view!

We adopted Julia in 2012 and while we were there
we also did a survey trip for our Oasis.

We stayed in a most amazing apartment 
with fabulous views...

I relax just looking at them again!


being on the side of a mountain has distinct disadvantages
when traveling with children.

Safety railings are minimal and a tumble 
off the steps is a three story drop
to concrete below...

NOT relaxing!

So, for our Oasis,
intended to give weary missionaries
relaxation and rest,
a mountain top experience
might not be the best.

So we looked at the surrounding area

we checked out properties in Strand
in Fish Hoek
in Hout Bay
in Simons' Town

and decided that a place on the ocean
in the valleys
on flat land
would be the best location for our Oasis!

So when we arrive
we will search out properties
in the greater Cape Town area
for our 
South African Oasis!

Want to partner along with us?

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Soon and very soon...

The South Africa Oasis

We are in the final stages of funding our ministry...

We will be relocating to Cape Town, South Africa 
as God provides the full measure of our support
in the next two months!

Did you know that more than 6,000 missionaries
will quit and come home unnecessarily this year?

Missionaries and cross cultural ministry workers
face many stressors:

language barriers
cultural stress
conflict with coworkers
feeling inadequate
needs of the children
are just a few...

We plan to provide missionary care
through biblical counseling 
practical encouragement 
for families - offering a place
for families to come to 
rest, relax, and reconnect.

We need partners
folks just like you
who will
pray for us
and the families we will serve.
And offer monthly
financial support
just $5 or $10 monthly
will serve these families!

47% of missionaries leave their work
within the first 5 years!

Help us help them to stay on the field
ministering the Gospel to a needy world!

Thursday, October 9, 2014


 What a little love!

Hannes is doing well.  
All of his birth defects have now been repaired!

He is growing...
from a toddler to a 
little boy!

We are so grateful to all who have 
followed our journey
prayed and donated 
to bring this little one home!

It is hard to think about what his life would be like
if we hadn't adopted him

He was living in Lugansk
and that part of Ukraine
has been under heavy fighting
for a while now...

The orphanage has been evacuated
the facilitator has fled
The buildings have been bombed

There is no water
no electricity
very little food

I can't even imagine what it looks like
or what the people still living there
are dealing with.

My heart hurts for all the pain and despair...

and I hug Hannes just a little bit tighter
so very glad he is with us.

There are two little ones that we met
while we were in Ukraine for 
Hannes's adoption.

They were with Hannes and we saw them
every day
for the five weeks we were there.

A little girl and her big brother.
She was around a year and her brother around 2.

They wrapped themselves around our hearts.
They have a family waiting to adopt them.
The war has interrupted their plans
and they have been waiting
and waiting
and waiting
and they just got permission to travel to them
in the place they have been evacuated to 

This is a miracle!
Their mom will be flying to Ukraine this Saturday!
You can help!

These two children are dear to our hearts
please click on this link and help them get home!

They have been in the midst of a war!
They deserve to come home to peace!