Thursday, December 26, 2013

Amazing Grace...

Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.


the grace He gives...
the grace we need...

 given freely
to us...

and in return...

we can give grace 
to others...

 grace bringing joy...

 found in an unlikely place
with unlikely people
bringing unlikely news...

we can celebrate...
our joy overflows...
to Him
to each other...

Celebrating Him...
and the gifts He has given us...

gifts of love...

gifts of calm...

gifts of fun...

gifts of beauty...

gifts of new things bursting forth in a life...

gifts of surprise...

We celebrate the amazing grace in our lives

once we were lost
but now we are found...

once we were blind
but now we see...

we see what is most important of all...

He came...
He came for us...

and none of us are the same...

Amazing Grace.

Merry Christmas from our hearts 
to yours...

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Eight and a half months home...

We have come so far...

since we left the orphanage

eight and a half months ago...

in 8 1/2 months...

He is growing,  and changing,

and learning, and healing...

We are blessed beyond measure
in the easy and in the hard...

He is our Christmas gift this year...

No surgery...

Hannes went in to surgery,
but the surgeon halted the surgery
and we need further tests and 
to consult with another doctor.

We have currently done some of the testing
and met with the consultant doctor.

And we are waiting for results.

Please pray with us that the results of the 
testing would be clear and give us a
definitive way forward.

Thank you!