Saturday, May 18, 2013

New Normal...

We have now been home for just over 7 weeks...

Life is beginning to return to some sort of normal...

Hannes is recovering well from his heart surgery,

Julie has gone back to work,

Therapy is on a bit of a schedule,

And Hannes is a happy little boy...

he LOVES to be out of his crib
exploring everywhere!!

Saturday's are fun days!

It is so awesome to watch this little boy
come to life...

to explore

to like things

and dislike things

to get mad

to be happy

to laugh

to learn things

to grow

Adoption is hard...

But it is also holds the most profound joy...

We are so blessed.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Healed Heart

We had our follow up surgical appointment
this week
Hannes's heart is healed!

The repair at one week post op 
is looking fantastic!

Everything is as it should be
and his heart is functioning
like it should.  

We had the stitches from his chest tubes
removed and his scar is healing nicely.

We are now having PT, OT, and speech
therapy evaluations
for some additional
help in making up for his delays!

He is functioning at about a 12 month old level.

But we know that he is fearfully and wonderfully made.
We will help him to make up for what he has missed.
And become the little man of God he was created to be!!